I commute from Brooklyn to Manhattan by bike on most workdays. One day, to calm myself from too many car-doors in my face, too many pedestrians stepping blithely and without looking into the bikelane, I started composing haikus in my head. Thus was born the Bike Commute Haiku Project. From that day, June 10, 2014, I pledged to compose and post one haiku a day about my commute for one year. 

Addendum July 31, 2014: After a while, it became clear to me that I do not, actually, bike every single day. And so here is my modified pledge. I will post a haiku every day that I do until June 10, 2015. 


September 23, 2014: Bike Commute Haiku No. 56

I had forgotten:

Opening of the GA

A bad day to bike.


September 23, 2014: Bike Commute Haiku No. 55

Sick bike all better!

Singing wheels on Brooklyn bridge

delighting in speed. 


September 8, 2014: Bike Commute Haiku No. 54

New York bike parking:

poor baby's front wheel got squashed.

At least I was off.


September 8, 2014: Bike Commute Haiku No. 53

In case you wonder'd:

biking through liquid asphalt?

Not a great idea. 


August 31, 2014: Bike Commute Haiku No. 52

Christiania Bike

complete with kids, crossing bridge:

suddenly homesick